Wednesday, October 27, 2010

a quote

this could be my favorite quote of all time... it only seems right to share it :-)

"and the day came

when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful
than the risk it took

-Anaïs Nin

Saturday, October 23, 2010

those wide open spaces

there comes a day, about once a month where i shed a small tear because of how much i miss my spunky southern state and everything it means to me. i miss the weather, the food, being able to confidently stretch both your arms out to the sides and have a spin without crashing into a skyscraper or worse yet - a disgruntled new yorker. mostly though, i miss the people. both the everyday strangers you interact with in passing and obviously my dear friends.

i spent four years 1,589 miles away from the only home i had ever known and never felt as from texas as i feel now.

new york is great, but it's hard...there's comfort in knowing the lone star state isn't going anywhere soon. i can always go home.

Monday, October 4, 2010

it's up to you, new york, new york...

photo from here

so much has changed since the last post. maybe it's because i have literally been all over the place (texas, europe and now new york) or maybe it's because i feel less need to write or have an online presence now that i am actually, employed. that's right. the period of time i feared the most has come and gone with only minor pockets of chaos along the way.

i got a dream job in the dream city, a beautiful apartment and a wonderful roommate. did i mention new york? though the city is hard and the job can be challenging, i wake up in the morning feeling - no not like p.diddy - but so grateful for what i have - it's almost obnoxious.

i have been meaning to update the blog, but just couldn't find the time. so this is a commitment to getting my thoughts down and using my blog as a filing cabinet for my thoughts and adventures. this is also a hope that all of my wonderful and amazing friends, who i no longer see on a daily basis, will read this and feel like they are still a part of my life - because i so desperately still want to be a part of theirs.